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This is the 10th post in the series on my Time Management System For Avon Representatives. Today, I would like to ask you how you are coming along with your goals and give you 6 tips to stay on track with the goals you set.
Avon Representative, have you set your goals? Are you ready to start on them? What will ensure that you actually stay on your desired path?
It is easy for a Avon Representative to get off the path. It is also easy to get all wrapped in stuff that happens in the everyday life of a Avon Representative. When you do set goals and establish ways to get where you want to go, how do you stay on track?
When you have clear goals (goals here refer to both personal and Avon Representative business goals) that you want to achieve, it is easier to take the steps to achieve them. You are given a motivation to act towards your goals. But over time a Avon Representative can lose sight of their goals. This makes motivation go out the window.
So what can a Avon Representative do?
Here Are 6 Tips To Keep You On Track
1. Write your Avon Representative goals on paper and keep them in front of you. You may want to tape them to your computer.
2. Break your Avon Representative goals up into small tasks. I have said this before, don’t try to tackle your goal all at once. Break it up into small steps. Work on one step a day.
3. Shout your Avon Representatives goals to the world. Tell people who are important to you what your goals are and ask them to check up on you in the future.
4. Make your Avon Representative goals real and possible. See yourself completing the goal.
5. Do only the goals that inspire you. Not what you or others think you should be doing.
6. When you reach a goal celebrate. But also set another goal. You will always be able to think of another goal you want to achieve.
At times, a Avon Representative will get off track from your goals. When you find yourself off the track, ask yourself "What I am doing right now?” “Am I working towards or away from my goals?” Once you start to take small steps to achieve your top priorities, you will gain more confidence. This in the end will give you more power over your time management skills.
Are you a Avon Representative working towards their goals or have you fallen off the path? Do these 6 tips seem like they will help you to stay on track?
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This is the 9th post in the series on my Time Management System for Avon Representative. Today, I would like to tell you the 4 steps to using a daily planner and the 9 ways you can use it.
For a Avon Representative to forget appointments and tasks is only human. But if it is common occurrence you need to take some serious action. From a meeting with a downline prospect to missing your yearly check-up, if you miss one thing you may be in for dire consequences.
A Daily Organizer can save your life and your Avon Representative business. It is your personal secretary that will remind you of your scheduled meetings, appointments, projects and tasks.
An daily organizer always allows you be focused. You will not miss out on anything. And you will be in charge of your life.
How To Use A Daily Organizer (Book or Binder)
1. Determine if the organizer will fit your needs. The most used sections should be in the front for quick reference.
2. Color code entries with highlighters or makers. Use the different colors for different categories for example appointments (one for business and one for personal). This will allow you to look up items more easily and make sure everything gets done.
3. Keep entries short. Include event, date, time, and location. Any additional information should be kept on a post-it attached to the page.
4. Clean out you daily organizer daily and weekly. Post-it notes and other papers should only be keep in the organizers on a as need basis.
Warning: Do Not Over Use Color Coding Or Post-it Notes. It Will Make Using A Daily Organizer Harder.
There are many other ways you can use your daily organizer. Although, a Avon Representative must understand that it is only helpful if you put the information in the organizer.
Here is a list of some of the ways a Avon Representative can use a daily organizer to help them with time management:
1. To-do List: To keep them at hand and all in one place.
2. Expense Reports: A Avon Representative should keep a list of business expenses including lunches, gas, brochures, ect.
3. Password Organizer: If you keep your passwords here you need to keep the organizer in a safe place or with you at all times.
4. Address Book: Along with phone numbers you can keep a list of email ids.
5. Birthdays and Anniversaries: Family and friends will no longer be hurt because you didn’t remember their birthdays and anniversaries.
6. World Clocks: If you like to be in tune with different time zones through the world.
7. Calendar: Every good organizer has a calendar that you can use to schedule the what and when you have a appointment or task to do.
8. Password: There are many passwords in a Avon Representative’s live today and you can keep a list of them here. Once again remember to keep in a safe place.
9. Payment Details and Due Dates. Never miss a payment again and be forced to pay a late fee. Do Not! Put your account numbers in a organizer unless you keep it in a safe or with you at All Times.
As you can see, if a Avon Representative uses a daily organizer effectively, it will enable them to live a balanced and productive life.
Do You Use A Daily Planner Or Just Wing it? Do You See The Benefits Of Using A Daily Planner In Your Avon Representative business?
In the next post on the Time Management System for Avon Representatives I will ask you if you have set your goals. And give you 6 tips to staying on track to success.
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Time Management Tip For Avon Representatives
When it seems like you will never want to start a dreaded task try the 10-Minute Rule:
The 10-minute rule. Work on a dreaded task for 10 minutes each day. Once you get started, you may find you can finish it.
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This is the 8th post in the series on my Time Management System for Avon Representatives. Today, I will discuss how scheduling your time will give you a routine which will make you more productive and effective.
So far in this series on a Time Management System for Avon Representatives we have looked at priorities and goals in the Eisenhower matrix of important, urgent. This method defines what you most aspire to do with your time. And what you need to do the most. Scheduling is where you take these aspirations and place them in the available time you have.
When scheduling your time you should look at the time available to you, and plan how you will use it to achieve the goals you have identified. By using a schedule properly, you can:
1. Understand what you can realistically achieve with your time.
2. Plan to make the best use of the time available.
3. Leave enough time for things you absolutely must do.
4. Preserve contingency time to handle 'the unexpected'.
5. Minimize stress by avoiding over-commitment to yourself and others.
Scheduling your time makes you more productive and reduces your stress. If you do not have enough time to do everything you want, you need to make priorities and schedule these tasks.
A calendar, like I use, a personal organizer or any other of the many devices you can use for time management will make sure you do the things that are most important.
Using a weekly schedule will also add value to your personal life and your Avon Representative business. Commit to a schedule and you will increase your effectiveness.
How To Schedule Time
1. Identify the time you have available to you for your Avon Representative business.
2. Put in the activities you must do. Fill in appointments and projects, such as labeling and tossing books.
3. Review your schedule and schedule in high priority activities. Allow 50% extra time for interruptions and emergencies that can not be avoided.
4. What you have left is the time you can choose to work on the lower priority items. You may find there are days you do not have any time for these activities.
The objection that many Avon Representatives make to scheduling is that it cuts into their freedom. While it is true it takes away from spontaneity, you are not a slave to time.
Don’t restrict yourself to a definition of freedom as “the ability to do what I want, when I want.” An Avon Representative can not hope to achieve their goals without discipline.
Some Guidelines To Follow
Be realistic when scheduling--A schedule is not a wish list, but a guide to help you plan your time. Don’t get discouraged and give up.
Be flexible in following your schedule--Sometimes you will be required to go outside of it.
Look at your schedule every week--Look over your schedule every week to see how well it’s working for you and how realistic it is. You may need to revise it.
A weekly schedule will allow you to maintain a sense of balance in your life. Creating a weekly schedule will let you have a rhythm. If you have a routine, you will more than likely remember appointments and projects by blocking out time periods. A weekly schedule will help you stay accountable to your short-term and long-term goals.
In the next in the series on my Time Management System for Avon Representatives. I will cover the importance of using a daily planner. And how to use it.
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Diary of a Mad Avon Lady
This is the 7th post in the series on my Time Management System for Avon Representative. Today, I want to go back over and review the reasons it is important to learn time management skills so you can keep them in mind during this long series of posts.
Are you a Avon Representative that has a problem with time management? If you are, there are two main paths you can take. The first, and often most popular, is to continue on with your normal activities. However, when you do this you may have a negative impact on your personal and business lives. The second, is to make a change. This is what you are doing by reading these posts in my Time Management System for Avon Representatives.
To improve your time management skills, there are a number of different concepts to be learned: goal setting, to-do lists, limiting tasking, and prioritizing, just to name a few. As for why a Avon Representative should learn and practice proper time management, there are a number of reasons why. I will outline 5 here.
1. It Is Easy To Do
The concepts I am teaching are all easy and cost effective ways. For example, creating goals or a to-do lists for yourself is free of charge. Since it is easy for you to learn and practice proper time management techniques, why wouldn‘t you?
2. It Is Important To Your Personal Life
If you are a Avon Representative who regularly pays their bills late or don’t make contact with friends, you may be hurting your personal relationships. Often in many more ways than you could have ever imagined. Friends, spouses, and romantic partners are not likely to put up with your behavior for long.
3. It Is Important For Your Avon business
Poor time management will not only have a negative effect on your personal life, but your Avon business will suffer as well. If you can not properly manage your time, you may get easily distracted. This may result in you wasting the time that you need to be prospecting or selling. Doing this repeatedly and your pocket book will suffer.
4. You Can Only Benefit
Taking the time to learn and practice successful time management techniques can only benefit you, your work, and your personal relationships. Since I am giving the Time Management System for Avon Representatives to you for free, no money needs to be spent. You have nothing to lose. And everything to gain. Also, ask yourself “why not?” Why not improve your life with the learning and practicing of time management skills?
5. Look At What You Have
It is important to focus on the skills and tools you have when trying to learn and practice proper time management. Once again creating a to-do list or scheduling your day is easy and free to do. Alarm clocks and egg timers can also be used to help you control your use of your time. I’m sure you already have a traditional alarm. But remember: your cell phone, computer, and television may also come with alarm clocks as well.
Furthermore, there are a many other time management tools and techniques, which I will cover, that you can easily learn and practice from my Time Management System for Avon Representatives. All from the comfort of your own home. And more importantly, when you feel you have free time to learn about time.
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Diary of a Mad Avon Lady
This is the 6th post in this series on my Time Management System for Avon Representatives. Today, I will introduce a fundamental tool of time management, the to-do list.
The “To-Do” list is not just for list making junkies. You may already make a Avon Representative “To-Do” list. But if you don’t, you need to. To-do lists are one of the fundamental keys to my Time Management System for Avon Representatives. When you write down what you have to do each day, you in effect brand them into your mind. And you are unlikely to forget each item.
If you are only using only one list, you may have found that some items do not fit into your list. Some tasks may not need to be done right away. Or a big project needs its own list where it can be broken down into smaller steps.
I am suggesting in the Time Management System for Avon Representatives that it is worth the time to work with several lists.
The advantages of doing a to-do lists
Items do not get lost.
Every task is prioritized.
You should have an ideal of what to do next.
You have somewhere to write new tasks as they arise.
How to Use a List
First you must commit to making a to-do list every night for the next day. Try to put items on a list in some kind of order (by time in which you will do it or categorize by similarities).
Then prioritize them by numbering the them from 1 to 4. Use the Eisenhower Matrix we have talked about and make 1-important & urgent. All the way to 4 being unimportant & not urgent.
Leave lines between each item so you can add items during the day as they arise. And assign appropriate priorities to these new items.
Finally, give each task an earlier deadline and 50% more time to complete than you think that you will need. This is to be sure to get it done in case of interruptions and emergencies.
Then you must take action on each item. Also give a proper celebration for each item completed and reward yourself. Even if it’s just a pat on the back for a job well done. The tasks you do not get done put on the list for the next day that night.
Get in the habit of making a to-do list everyday. It may be easier to do it on your computer or PDA so that you can easily re-schedule tasks and meeting. But if your like me you just like to use pen and paper.
How detailed you should make the list is up to you. Here are some things you might consider recording.
When does the task need to be completed
How long will it take
How important is it on a scale from 1 (very high priority) to 4 (not a priority)
When you will do it
Many Avon Representatives believe there are 2 reasons not to make to-do lists.
First, they think you will never get a third of the way down the list. And second, they think for every 1 item you cross off, you think of three more to put on. But I have used to-do lists for as long as I can remember and I have finished lists. Here are some of the ways I make to-lists work the so hard for me.
1. Write the list on paper, not the computer. A handwritten list will engage the whole mind.
2. Be very selective about what you put on the list. This is crucial. Put only those things that you really have time for each day. Also allow for 50% extra time for each task for unseen interruptions that will also come up.
3. Have a space to record new items. Keep spaces if possible between each task and write those that arise during the day in the order and with a priority on your list.
4. Keep tasks small. This means to write a smaller goal you can do in one day and not the larger goal. For example, “write outline for business plan,” not “write business plan”.
5. Try to do everything in order by priority. Don’t cherry pick and do things only as you feel like doing. It is very important to go through each item in order.
6. Also start at the beginning of the list. When you come back from a break start from the beginning with the oldest items. This way you will cross things off faster.
Lists I Create And Use
1. Daily Priority list. A list of things that must be done today. It should be the smallest.
2. General To-do list. If you are really busy, you should break this up into the 4 important and urgent categories of the Eisenhower Matrix.
3. Project Goals list. This is a list of a lot of smaller goals to reach a final, larger goal.
4. “Someday, Maybe” list. This is a list of the unimportant and not urgent items.
5. Main List of Goals. This is the medium and larger stuff you want to achieve in life.
Examples of Other Kinds of Lists the Avon Representative Can Use:
List prepared for prospecting and signing on downline.
Shopping lists.
List of phone calls to make.
List of things that need to be followed up on.
Chores to do around the house.
While you can create more types of lists, each one of these lists should be reviewed everyday. I usually spend a total of 15 minutes per day.
I am not trying to make you a compulsive list person. There are many valuable benefits to making all these lists.
First, you can get the items out of your head and into a system where you can remember to do them by their deadline.
Second, it’s easier to finish a project when all the steps are written out for you.
Third, when you separate your lists, you will find you are able to conquer each item with more power.
Once a Avon Representative gets in the habit of keeping to-do lists, they will be more organized and efficient. Ultimately, you will be more relaxed because you have clarified what you need to do.
In the next post in this series on my Time Management System for Avon Representatives, I will cover schedules and scheduling.
How do you use To-Do Lists? Do this seem like too many lists?
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Dairy of a Mad Avon Lady
This is the 5th post in my series on a Time Management System for Avon Representatives. Here I will show you how you can produce more results by focusing on only 20% of your resources.
The 80/20 rule is a common ratio used to determine performance verses resources. It’s a general assumption that we use 80% of our resources achieving 20% of our performance, or in a Avon Representative‘s case, sales and goals.
It’s is possible for you to be 100% productive by following what you learn in this series of blog posts. We all have our most productive
times of the day. And by discovering when they are and using that time wisely you will be 100% productive. If you have kept a time log, you should know when these times are. Mine, for example, are between 2am to 11am.
The 80/20 rule was discovered and described by Vilfredo Pareto. Pareto was an economist who theorized that 80 percent of all problems result from 20 percent of all causes.
He observed that 20% of people own 80% of the wealth in his country. This rule can be applied to many areas of personal and professional life, as shown by the following graph.
80% 20%
Results come from Efforts
Productivity requires Resources
Usage is by Users
Problems come from Processors
Profit come from Product Range
Sales come from Sales People
Work Absence is due to Of Staff
Complaints come from Of Customers
This may seem like a complex theory but the Pareto 80/20 rule, as it has come to be termed, can be very beneficial when applied to problem solving in any form. And especially in my Time Management System for Avon Representatives.
The first step we have already covered in pervious posts. It is to learn to effectively utilize time by identifying repeat patterns in your daily schedule that may be interfering with productivity. By looking over your Avon Representative time log you should have noticed certain blocks of time which are not being used to their fullest. Once having identified these blocks of time, you can begin to make changes in your daily routine.
Ask yourself what 20% of your activities add the most value? Ask which of your key customers are helping you to achieve President's Club? You should then spend 20% of your time on those things that strategically matters the most.
Everyday, spend 15 minutes measuring how you use your time to determine which 20% of your inputs give you the most bang for your buck. It is very important to avoid making a final decision on what is most important.
You don't have to ignore the other 80% of your responsibilities, just give no more than 20% of your time to lower value tasks. Delegate them, train someone else to do them or leave them for later.
Pareto’s 80/20 rule basically means that if you can identify and change only 20% of the causes of problems in your current time management system, you can subsequently fix 80%of those problems.
An example of this would be to identify two 15 minute blocks of time in your normal day when you find that you are being the least productive. By changing the way you currently use these two small blocks of time, you should be able to increase your productivity by up to 80 percent.
In addition, a Avon Representative should be planning their time on doing only effective work. This means that 20% of your work time should be creating 80% of your results towards achieving your goals, and also the success of your Avon business.
Implementing the 80/20 rule
Even if you're unsure, follow the 80/20 principle for a few days to see what happens. You can start by implementing these "20-percent" tasks after you read my blogs:
Read less.
Keep current.
Remember the basics.
80% or 20%?
Here are some signs that will help a Avon Representative recognize whether your spending your time on the best 20%:
You're in your 80% if the following statements are true: Many of the sales and marketing methods a Avon Representatives uses in their business are tried and true. Don’t try to re-write the rules. Follow the paths of others to produce the best results. Make yourself aware of new technological innovation. You will then be moved to challenge established routines that could be shifting your focus away from your 20%. Identify the 20 percent of the materials you find that are most valuable. Read them and trash the rest.
---You're working on tasks other people want you to, but you have no investment in achieving them.
---You're frequently working on tasks labeled "urgent."
---You're spending time on projects you so not consider yourself good at.
---Activities are taking a lot longer than you expected.
You find yourself complaining all the time.
You're in your 20% when:
---You're engaged in activities that advance what you consider your purpose in life and achieve your goals.
---You're doing things you have always wanted to do or that make you feel good.
---You're working on tasks you hate, but you know by doing them knowing you will accomplish success.
---You're hiring people to do the tasks you are not good at or don't like doing.
---The Avon Representative is smiling and singing to their self.
Better time management does not mean giving up all free time, or all the time you currently spend enjoying your life. Instead it helps you set priorities for managing time, eliminate wasted time, and gain more control over how you use this valuable resource.
Pareto's Principle or the 80/20 Rule, should be a daily reminder to focus 80% of your time and energy on the 20% of the really important tasks you have to do. You can not just "work smart", you need to work smart on the right things.
In the next post on a Time Management System for Avon Representative I will discuss why you should be using To-Do Lists.
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