I am still working on my goals for the year, and will review and update them over time. I have already posted a blog on setting goals on Diary of a Mad Avon Lady. I have goals for my Avon business, marketing in my local area, my social networking strategy, and specific blogging goals. I am writing the goals up and am going to put on the wall by my desk so I can see them everyday.
For example, how many postcards do I want to mail out. I ordered too many books for campaign 1 and going to have to do some tossing. I really prefer spending a little more money and mailing postcards. I asked one of my customers if she would address them from lists that I bought in exchange for free Avon and now she has become a best friend.
I will focus on goals for the next three month and look ahead to six months, this will enable me to complete my goals in smaller parts. I will develop a strategy to achieve goals, and review goals daily to see if they should be re-stated.
Goals of Angie's Avon
Goal for The Year: Grow by 56% to achieve Honor Society by end of 4th quarter 2012 .
3 Month Goals
Prospect for recruits to have a downline by putting new methods in place.
Social Media Strategy Campaign
Actively use social media sites to drive customers/traffic to my Avon website to increase sells revenue, I will achieve this by developing new relationships and content.
Blog once a day, twice if can, with a fresh mind to build content and show knowledge leadership.
Promote blog through existing methods.
Get repeat visitors to my websites and social media sites by networking and growing content.
Comment more on other authoritative blogs and articles to foster relationship building.
Spend the greatest amount of my time on becoming a better writer, then on prospecting.
6 Month Goals
Start writing articles that are insightful and show knowledge leadership.
Join Linkedin.
Offline Marketing
Fill out and mail 100 postcard/coupons a week.
Start sending out birthday cards and thank you card with gift to give customers incentive to be a repeat buyer.
Subscribe to magazine at a discount and put a stickers saying "compliments of Angie's Avon" and "Ask me what's Free", drop them of at doctors', dentists', car dealerships, and other withing rooms.
Distribute Welcome/Give-Avon-A-Try Baggies.
Research and put in action more ways to actively market my business in my local area.
This is a ruff outline, I commit to work everyday goals and create a plan to put into action to complete each one.
What are your business goals? How much do you want you business to grow this year? Please comment below.
Build customer base by 50 this year and rebuild my downline back up to the seven i lost.